& Finance
We find the talent you can't find yourself
Finance is the lifeblood of any successful business. And the most valued finance professionals are those who can combine essential vocational qualifications with the people skills necessary for promoting positive external relations and strong internal teamwork.
Denholm works extensively with organisations across Scotland where candidates with a positive mindset are at a premium. Of course, a rigorous approach to discipline, risk and compliance are also vital and we are experienced at finding people who combine all these strengths.
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Recent successes
Delighted with our new Risk & Compliance hire...
“The Denholm team have an impressive ability to source and identify outstanding candidates which are a great fit for our business. We recently set them the challenge of sourcing our new Risk and Compliance Director and we were delighted with the outcome.”
CEO of Johnston Carmichael
Show them your best side
BrandBox is Denholm’s talent attraction tool that gets twice the engagement of traditional job advertising.
With a BrandBox, we can showcase your employer brand, excite your prospective employees and deliver the high-performing talent you simply can’t find yourself.